
Life x Mind product

Life x Mind App

Life x Mind (LXM) is a simple, easy, comprehensive self-assessment and tracker for measuring how people feel, think, behave, and understanding their interplay. This app can be used by doctors with their patients, and by therapists with their clients. One week of regular use can establish a profile that is helpful for diagnosis and clinical management. It can be used to measure how people feel and think at home in between appointments, and at the time of the appointment. There is a CPT code that can be billed for its use: 96127.

The app is dual use. Individuals can also use this app directly to help them better understand themselves and optimize their lives, and live happier, more hopeful, and more meaningful lives.

Trust — The Life x Mind Self-Assessment is based on two decades of academic clinical research.

Confidentiality — MindX does not collect any information from the app, it stays all secure on the person’s phone.

Comprehensiveness — The app is based on a comprehensive framework of mind and life and how they interact.

The science and framework underlying it is described in the book Life and Mind by Dr. Alexander B. Niculescu, the founder of MindX Sciences.  Available on Amazon.

Download it on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

Ten percent of the proceeds from each app will be donated to mental health support organizations.

SXPrevent product

Life x Improve Digital Test

The Life x Improve digital test by MindX Sciences helps identify individuals at risk for suicidality, and provides personalized risk-reduction and life improvement strategies. It is a simple, quick, and easy-to-use test that does not ask about suicidal ideation. It can be used in non-clinical settings, to screen and reduce suicide risk in large organizations or educational settings.

It is based on the Niculescu Convergent Functional Information for Suicidality Scale (CFI-S). Studies describing its validation and performance have been published in peer reviewed scientific and medical journals.

Life x Improve is dual use. It can also be used by clinicians to reduce suicide risk in their patient population. For a nominal yearly fee*, the patients can take the test an unlimited number of times. CPT code for its clinical use: 96161.

Contact us at, or place an order here on our site.

Blood test product

MindX Blood Tests

For mood disorders (depression/bipolar), anxiety, suicidality risk, stress (PTSD), pain, memory (Alzheimer’s), and longevity.

The report for each disease test is communicated to the ordering clinician to help objectively assess disease severity, future risk, and most importantly to help match the patient to the right medications and nutraceuticals. Repeating the tests can help monitor response to treatment. As part of routine annual exams, these blood tests can be used for preventive purposes.

The tests are currently self-pay by patients. CPT codes are available for them (suicidality risk- CPT 0293U; pain -CPT 0290U; stress (PTSD) -CPT 0292U; mood disorders (depression/bipolar) -CPT 0291U; memory/Alzheimer’s - CPT 0289U; longevity- CPT 0294U). MindX will pursue Medicare and insurance coverage in the near future.

Available for interested clinicians. Contact us at, or place an order here on our site. Clinicians who order the tests done will be provided with kits containing special blood test tubes and mailing envelopes. Patients can go to a designated blood draw center or a hospital laboratory to get their blood drawn. The tubes are mailed to our laboratory. The test is performed in a CLIA setting. The test results are sent by MindX Sciences to the ordering clinician.

Symbolic representation of medications

MTX-001 for Bipolar Depression

Repurposed drugs combination identified using our biomarkers research.

To be developed as an add-on to current treatments for bipolar depression.

May not only improve efficacy, but also lower side-effects of existing medications and usual co-morbidities (cardiac, metabolic syndrome).

Therapeutics — Molecular — Digital

Products are independent of each other, but there is synergy in using them together.

The MindX Platform

* free for Veterans.