
Better Mental Health for All2022-12-04

You have power over your mind- not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

Marcus Aurelius

If the mind works well, everything else works better in our lives. Thus, it should be the central addressable component of healthcare, part of every pediatrician and primary care visit. Key to that are measuring mental health at home in between appointments, objectively measuring it with laboratory tests at clinical visits, and intervening at the right time with the right treatment for the right person.

We and others have developed digital tools for at home use, laboratory tests for clinical visits, and based on them personalized matching with the right preventive or therapeutic treatments (

The beneficiaries are first and foremost the individuals and their families. Second, the clinicians treating them can do a better job easier. Third, the companies developing new treatments can have more precise ways of measuring response to treatment. And fourth, insurers and organizations can save costs by having a healthier covered population.

All of us need to work together to help people Live. Happier. Longer.