
Understanding and Preventing Suicides, Violence, and Addictions2024-01-15

With all thy getting get understanding.

Proverbs 4:7

Behaviors occur in response to things in the internal milieu or external environment, good or bad. Perceived good things are pursued, the individual is receptive to them, and fixated on them. Perceived bad things are avoided (all the way to escaping them by suicide), the individual is refractory to them (all the way to fighting them with violence), and tries to substitute them (all the way to addictions). The way to prevent these negative outcomes is threefold.

First, increase happiness and gratitude. Remind yourself/other individuals to look back at how many good things they did in the past and what they learned in their life, and how thy can use that experience to help others.

Second, increase hope and optimism. Encourage yourself/other individuals to consider that they can improve things and dig their way out one step at a time, and that it is ok to ask for help from others.

Third, increase meaning, significance, and a sense of heroism. Instill in yourself/other individuals the idea that suicide, violence and addictions are NEVER a real solution, to think of the damage they would do to self, family and loved ones, the bad example for others, and the displeasure of their God at such behaviors.

We are doing our bit to help with these issues. We have created and are continuing to develop biological tests for objective assessment of the reality of acuity and risk, digital tools for the social determinants and stories people tell others, and an app to measure the feelings, thoughts and stories people tell to themselves. These can all be used to guide individuals, in a precise and personalized way, to the right treatments, help, and right path in life.