“I can't get no satisfaction.”
—Rolling Stones
Life is a continuous quest for satisfaction, whether through real life success or addictions. Satisfaction seems at times elusive, and the lack of satisfaction may lead to shorter and more problematic lives, for individuals and for those around them.
The components of Life Satisfaction are Happiness, Hope, and Meaning. There are simple ways to lead a more satisfied life. Gratitude (for being alive, and for your family) equals Happiness. Progress (in your physical health and wealth, even if small) equals Hope. Usefulness (to self with your mind, and then to others with your influence) equals Meaning.
You can practice this simple Self-Therapy in our Life x Mind® app every morning, and track the impact on your Life Satisfaction score in the app. Over time, watch the ripple effects in all areas of your life, and become a beacon of positivity.