
A Companion for Life2024-12-30

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.


Everybody wants and needs a companion for the journey of life. We look for that in relationships, in the family, at work, other settings. If you are religious, you have God as a lifelong companion.

An overlooked companion for life is yourself. If you listened more to your inner voice, relied more on yourself, kept track of your daily journey, your life would be transformed.

It starts first with having a short written mission statement for your life, that you review every morning. Second, a simple checklist to see if indeed you lived a true good life the day before, and what can you do better today (diet, exercise, sleep, intimacy, being social, contributing to society, having a daily win, avoiding addictions). Third, a little self-therapy (writing down something you are grateful for, optimistic about, why you are significant, and who are you a hero to). Fourth, at night, a little self-improvement review (what were your wins that day, learns, what are you going to do next, and how has the day contributed to your life’s mission). In essence, 5 minutes in the morning, and 5 minutes at night investment in yourself. You are worth that.